RAW Basics “Almond Mylk”

This recipe is dedicated to the people that attended the past conference at Nutracon 09.

1 cup of soaked almonds (at least 12hrs)
1/4 teaspoon of Celtic or Sea Salt
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
3 cups of water
1/2 cup of soaked dates or 4-6 tablespoons of maple syrup or agave.

Filter bag

We first we wanna remove the skin of the almonds, the reason for this is to prevent the ingestion of tannic acid and to give a smoother taste. To remove the skin, we heat water (without the almonds) before boiling point and then we add the almonds in the hot water. We allow them to sit around 30 seconds. Then we remove them and place them on another water tray at normal temperature. We use our hangs to remove the skin, it would be now a lot faster and easy.

Then we proceed to add the almonds into the blender, with 3 cups of water. We blend for around 30 seconds, until it’s fully mixes. Then we take the Filter Bag, and pour the Mylk into it, and squeeze the filter bag until all the mylk is extracted. What’s left on the bag is our almond flour, it would be used in other recipes I’ll post later.

Pouring almond mylk

Then, we pour the Mylk again into the blender, add a pinch of sea salt, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and? your favorite sweeter, like dates, maple syrup, agave nectar, stevia, etc.. (Do not use sugar!!!) You can make it even better adding super foods (they are call super-foods because the have high amount of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, ingredients in small amounts), Like our loca goji berris, cacao powder, maca root, etc.

almond mylk with super-foods

One more think, I like to add golden flax seeds, to balance the omega3. About 1 Tbs per cup.
It keeps on fridge for 2 days.
