Yogi Masala Porridge



This is a good breakfast to have after your yoga practice, is fast and easy to make, all you need is a blender. The spices and ginger  help digestion and balances the flavor very good. I like to mix different nuts and seeds to make mylks, this make a nice combination that is rich and nutritious. Try to get organic ingredients as much as possible to get greater benefits and taste.

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1 cup groat oats, soaked overnight
4 pieces dates, soaked
1/3 cup apricots, chopped
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon cardamon
1 pinch sea salt
1 inch ginger
1/3 cup almonds
¼ cup brazil nuts
1 cup water

1.Soaking ingredients: Soak the oat groats overnight on the fridge.
Soak the almonds overnight on the fridge.

2.Masala Nut Mylk: Remove the water from the almonds, add 1 cup of water and blend them with the brazil nuts. (nut mylk detailed instructions ).
Strain the mixture on a milk bag, and dehydrate and freeze leftover pulp for other recipes.
Add into the milk the spices: cinnamon, cardamon, salt and ginger. Blend again.
Add the dates and blend again.

3.Porridge: Add into your Masala Nut Mylk, the groat oats and blend until smooth, then add the apricots and pulse the blender a couple of times, to have some chunks inside.
Serve adding a dash of cinnamon and top with an apricot.

Om Shanti!


Buckweath Super Raw “Alegrias”

Lately, I’ve been reading again about super-foods, and adding them more into my recipes. In Mexico we have a traditional candy called “Alegrias” which means “happiness”. Eating healthy food can not only nourish our body but also our state of mind. For example raw cacao, is not only a super antioxidant but also contains tryptamine serotonin. Serotonin, is a substance that works as a neurotransmitter, and one of their functions involves mood regulation.

I dehydrated sprouted buckwheat with goji berries, chia seeds, agave syrup and of course raw cacao nibs. Great for snack or for breakfast cereal!

Dehyhidrating Buckweat
Dehyhidrating Buckweat
Raw Vegan Buckwheat Cookies
Raw Vegan Buckwheat Cookies
Buckweath Alegrias!
Buckweath Alegrias!


After my yoga practice, I provide the body cell-regenerative food to heal and restore the joints and muscles. Yesterday while having breakfast after Mysore class, I shared with Dylan the benefits of chayote.

Enjoy cutting it, and making fun shapes. It goes well with apples and your favorite nut milk.

Read more info here: Chayote