Live Miso Hummus

This recipe is a great for parties or just to have it on the fridge for any occasion. Its quite simple and delicious with veggie sticks! It is a great way for eating raw veggies all day long alone or with great company.

[stextbox id=”black” caption=”Ingredients (Makes 2 Servings)”]

1/2 cup zucchini, cut into chunks (peeled)
2  tbs sesame paste “Tahini” (Look for raw version)
2  tbsp of chickpea miso (or yellow unpasteurized miso)*
¼  cup of cold pressed olive oil

* Depending on your miso you might need or not to add ¼ tsp of Himalayan salt on not to taste.


1.  Place ingredients in a blender.

2.  Blend at high speed until smooth.

3. Serve with your favorite Live Crackers or veggies, top with avocado and sprinkle some paprika


Surprise your friends and enjoy.
