Raw Vegan Mexican Pizza


I fell in love with the use of buckwheat for making live pizzas! This is my Mexican version of raw pizza, using a spice chipotle tomato sauce and avocados. The crust took 20 hours to be ready, since Hong Kong is more humid, this process takes a bit more time than usual.

The crust is firm and very tasty, with chunks of sun dried tomatoes.


And of course, some nice Kalamata olives!

Ok Guys, here is the recipe!


1.5 Cups of buckwheat groats

1/4 cup of olive oil

1/2 cup of sun dried tomatoes

2/3 cup of carrot pulp

2/3 cup of golden flax seeds

1 tsp of sea salt or celtic salt.

Soak the buckwheat overnight. Then place the flax seeds to soak for about half an hour. Place all ingredients on a high speed blender and mix until smooth. You can do this process in batches to make it easy for your blender.

Remove then wet your hands, place it on your dehydrator teflex sheet and start making a dough, the use a spatula or hands, and make a 0.4 cm thick circle. Keep hands moist to allow easy manipulation of dough.

At the end, use your fingertips on the edges, to make a nice design.

Dehydrate for first 4 hrs at 140F, then lower the temperature to 115 for other 4 hours. Remove after?? this 8hrs from the teflex sheet, and place on tray and continue the dehydration at 115F for other 6 hrs, until desired hardness of crust.

Keeps for a month on fridge!
